
How can I order a Cabify?

It’s quite simple. Once you've created an account, follow these steps for both immediate requests and reservations:

Via app Via web
  • Select the type of trip you want to request in the bottom bar of the screen (Travel, Send, among others).
  • Click on the box "Enter a destination" and select the destination of the trip.
  • Then select the vehicle category you want (to see all the available categories, in some cities you may have to slide the screen up).
  • Select 'Order Now' and voila!

The moment you order your ride, Cabify will start searching for the nearest driver to come and pick you up. Enjoy the ride!

It's also possible to order more than one Cabify at once. To do so, you folow same steps described above new account.

In the 'Journeys' section you can see the status of the journeys on your account.

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