
How can I create an account in Cabify?

We will be delighted to have you on board!

To start traveling in Cabify you need to have a valid phone number and email address and follow these simple steps:

  1. Download and install the Cabify application from Google Play (Android) or App Store (iOS).
  2. Open the application and enter your phone number and click on 'next'. We will send you an SMS to verify the validity of your phone number that you must enter on the next screen.
  3. Then enter your email address and we will ask for your first and last name and finally we will ask you to create a password for your account.

And ready! Your new account has been registered.


To comply with the orders of the Dirección General de Transporte, from now on we need to know your ID number when you travel with Cabify. This will only be used for safety purposes. As always, we'll keep your private information confidential and stored securely.
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