
What if there’s traffic?

When assigning a driver we show you the estimated time it will take to pick you up. However, if an unexpected increase in traffic occurs, the time you will have to wait for your driver could increase.

If you’re making a reservation, your car should be waiting at the time you specify.

Unfortunately, there’s nothing that we can do if your ride with Cabify takes longer than expected due to traffic, as obviously traffic conditions are not something that we can control. 

If your driver is late to pick you up for a pre-booked reservation, see "What can I do if I was unhappy with the driver?".

Will the price go up if I'm stuck in traffic?

No, traffic can't cause your journey price to change once you've ordered your Cabify. We've already taken the probable duration of your journey into account when we give you the estimated price at the time of ordering, and this price can only change if you make changes to your journey, go over the courtesy waiting time, request a child seat that's not already included or use a toll road unexpectedly (see 'Can the price change' for more details.)


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