
I have been charged incorrectly

We pride ourselves on providing a quality experience for our users and we're really sorry if something has gone wrong for you. If you think you’ve been charged incorrectly, please contact us and we will do our best to put it right as soon as possible.

Bear in mind that sometimes it might appear that there has been a mistake at the moment of charging when in fact there could be a simple explanation, such as:

  • You were charged a pre-authorization payment as part of our anti-fraud safeguards, and this amount will automatically be returned to you in a few days.
  • You changed the drop off point or made a stop mid-journey, meaning that the estimated price differed from the final price.
  • You were charged some waiting time because you exceeded the courtesy waiting time. Consult our fares page to check waiting times.
  • Your travelled via a toll-road which wasn’t included in the original price estimate.

If none of these explanations solve the issue and you still think you’ve been charged incorrectly, please contact us and we will do our best to put it right as soon as possible. Please make sure you attach a download or screenshot of your bank receipt showing the relevant charge.


In Buenos Aires, the courtesy waiting time is 3 minutes for ASAP requests and 5 minutes for reservations.

In Rosario, the courtesy waiting time is 3 minutes for ASAP requests and 10 minutes for reservations.


At our airports the courtesy waiting time is 15 minutes.

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