
What is Cabify Club and how does it work?

Cabify Club is the free loyalty program for Cabify passengers, designed to reward our users for their loyalty. 

The more you travel with Cabify, the more benefits and rewards you’ll receive. It’s that easy! In this article, we’ll address the most frequently asked questions regarding Cabify Club and dive into how it works.

How can I access Cabify Club?

As a Cabify user, you’re automatically enrolled in Cabify Club, so you don’t have to do anything other than request a ride to enjoy its benefits.

What are the levels within Cabify Club?

There are three levels within Cabify Club: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. You will automatically be allocated to a level based on the number of trips you make each month. The difference between these levels lies in the number and types of benefits that each level provides. 

What are my benefits in Cabify Club?

Some of the benefits include: prioritized ride allocation, preferential customer support, exclusive partner discounts, discounted rides with app credit, high rated driver assignment, etc.

Discover all the benefits that correspond to your level in the “Cabify Club” section within the app.

How can I level up in the program?

Level changes are automatically updated at the beginning of each month, based on the number of trips you took in the previous month. So, the more trips you take, the more likely you are to get to move up to the next level!

Can the benefits of each level be combined?

The benefits of each level cannot be accumulated as such. However, you’ll never lose the benefits you have already earned. When you level up, you keep the benefits of the previous one and new exclusive benefits are added. 

How can I access the benefits of the program?

The benefits and conditions of each level are detailed in the app and correspond to the number of trips made in the last month. 

  • Access the “Cabify Club” section within the app menu to discover your level, the benefits you can enjoy, and the remaining trips you need to get to the next level.

Is there a cost involved in being a Cabify Club member?

The program is completely free and has no cost to users.

What does the “Credit after each ride” benefit consist of?

One of the benefits of Cabify Club Silver and Gold levels is earning Credit after every ride. This Credit is accumulated in the app and can be used as a discount on future rides. 

Learn more about how Credit works here.

Is there a limit to the amount of Credit I can accumulate through travel?

There is no limit to the amount of Credit you can accumulate, and there is also no minimum Credit amount you need to reach in order to start using it.

Does the Credit I accumulate through travel expire?

The Credit you accumulate is only available for use until the last day of the month following the month in which it was earned.

In the app, in the “Credit” section, you can view the expiration date at any time. 15 days before the expiration date of your Credit, we will notify you so that you remember to use it before it expires.

What do partner alliances consist of?

Thanks to our alliances with other companies, you can enjoy exclusive discounts on a variety of services. Discover them in the “Cabify Club” section within the menu of your app!


If you have any issues viewing your benefits on any of our partners‘ pages, we invite you to contact the customer support center directly.

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